Day Shows
Dan launches with his glider from atop a moving vehicle driving down the runway at about 30mph with the flag, streamers and bright orange smoke trailing. He steadily tow-climbs to an altitude of 1,200 -1,800' while speaking live via a radio link to the audience,. A variable tension winch on the launch vehicle can spin out up to 3,000' of tow-line during his ascent.
Dan will perform a number of challenging "aerial water-ski turns" as the tow vehicle U-turns during his climb to keep him in front of the audience.
Now, watch as he descends, wheels, circles and dives to a stirring musical accompaniment. During his graceful descent, smoke and streamers trail behind, punctuated with brilliant flashes and streaks of custom special effects....and he does this after dark too!
An aerobatic plane will sometimes “surprise” Dan and the crowd by simultaneously taking off, looping and harassing him as he climbs, maybe even attacking and cutting yards off of his long wingtip streamers. The humorous radio transmissions between Dan and his aggressor are carried live to the audience.
Chasing the pesky airplane away with his “3rd world warbird impression” the music changes and releasing from the tow-line at altitude, he is flying free as the tow-line and its small drogue chute are rapidly rewound with a high-speed electric winch.
If all this is not enough, he demonstrates the maneuverability of the glider by performing his “ribbon cut”; by dropping multiple long ribbons and executing graceful maneuvers to snatch them out of the air with his hand!
Dan continues the fun by talking and waving to the crowd while landing smooth and slow right near the showline.
It’s now when the crowd discovers that Dan can’t walk as a police car with lights and siren screaming, arrives, or OTTO the helicopter delivers the wheelchair on a long line into his hand.
Dan then quickly rolls to the crowdline signing programs for the kids and answering questions.
NEW! Flag/National Anthem Opening Act --
Dan now also offers a flag and anthem opening if a show doesn’t have skydivers for the opening ceremony. When the anthem starts, he’ll fill the sky with shooting streaks of smoke and color for his version of “…the rockets red glare….the bombs bursting in air…!!!”
Night Shows
Twi-Night Spectacular
After dark is really spectacular!
This incredible night show has the entire wing glowing and flashing, combined with brilliant special effects, creating a dazzling display that even Disneyland would be proud of! Dan sets his motorized hang glider ablaze with amazing pyrotechnics, lights and music! (After dark Dan uses a quiet, powered hang glider, enabling him to perform over locations not near the airport.)
The quiet glider, the stirring music, low airspeed and close performing area make this a very unique and unforgettable experience.
NEW! Airplane and Glider Night Show Extravaganza
Dan’s really excited about the new spectacular AIRPLANE AND HANG GLIDER NIGHT SHOW EXTRAVAGANZA with high and low-level ground fireworks, gas bombs and other ground effects for '08 that will be the most intense airshow night choreography yet. Dan’s solo night show has been popular for years but this extravagant airshow act adds a whole new level to nighttime airshows!